St. Patrick’s Church in Roxbury

St. Patrick’s Church in Roxbury
10 Magazine Street Roxbury, Mass, 02119 • 617 445 7645
St. Patrick’s Church in Roxbury is a multi-cultural parish and has always been such since its founding in 1836. Today it is enriched by God’s children from different backgrounds and cultures.
Our mission is to preach, teach and witness to the good news of the mercy and love of God through which Jesus Christ offers life and salvation to all. We are committed to the well-being of every person in justice and charity.
Together we strive to proclaim, profess, and live the Faith in Christian charity, and to celebrate it in liturgy, prayer and service.
Sunday: 11:00 AM
Sunday: 12:00 PM
Cape Verdean
Saturday: 6:00 PM
Sunday: 9:30 AM